New Digital Therapy Offers Hope for Insomnia Sufferers
by Abdul Sultan
On March 8, 2024
Dr. Alexander Sweetman from Flinders University presents an innovative solution to insomnia, challenging the widespread reliance on sleeping pills. With cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTi) being underutilized due to limited access to trained psychologists, Sweetman's team developed a self-guided digital program called 'Bedtime Window'.
In a study published in Frontiers in Sleep, the effectiveness of 'Bedtime Window' was tested across Australia, showing promising results. Participants reported significant improvements in sleep, daytime function, and mental health, without the need for medication.
Sweetman emphasizes the importance of addressing insomnia, particularly in individuals with co-existing conditions like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The study found that those with co-morbid insomnia and OSA faced heightened health risks, highlighting the urgency for effective management strategies.
The 'Bedtime Window' program offers accessible and personalized therapy, comprising short weekly sessions of psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, and sleep hygiene tips. Continuous monitoring ensures tailored recommendations, minimizing daytime sleepiness.
With positive outcomes observed, Sweetman advocates for wider implementation of digital CBTi programs, potentially benefiting individuals with confirmed OSA diagnoses. This breakthrough offers hope for millions suffering from insomnia, marking a significant step towards improving sleep health without medication reliance.
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